Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Contact-Ninjas believes in giving back to the community in every way possible. We have a long-standing commitment to corporate social responsibility, built on a strong foundation of compassion and ethics.

The aim of our corporate social responsibility initiative is to improve the quality of life for the underprivileged people around us. We focus on two major areas:

  • Child Health and Welfare
  • Education for future competitiveness and sustainability

As the old saying goes - charity begins at home, we too began our corporate social responsibility initiatives from Cebu, where we operate. For the past few years, we have been supporting a number of Cebu-based charities with our corporate initiatives, employee volunteer efforts, as well as monetary donations. And we are thankful to our employees who took part in our social responsibility programs and proved themselves as caring and compassionate human beings.
Here are a few details of our corporate social responsibility initiatives:

Corporate Giving Program

Through Contact-Ninjas’s corporate giving program, donations and outreach activities are provided to non-profit and non-religious organizations whose work revolves around child health and welfare, and education.

Some of our initiatives include feeding-projects in association with various government agencies focusing on homeless people. In recent past, Contact-Ninjas carried outreach projects focused on providing families in the poorest areas of Cebu province with food. Officials from various towns and municipalities as well as our volunteer-employees helped us in the successful execution of the project. We also provide educational material to schools and offer continuous support to orphanages on a regular basis.

Employee Giving Program

Thanks to our caring and compassionate employees Contact-Ninjas runs a successful employee giving program, where internal employees can make material donations through scheduled payroll deductions and donating projects during Christmas.

Contact-Ninjas started its own tradition of granting Christmas wishes of Cebu’s less-fortunate children. Every Christmas, Contact-Ninjas visits different orphanages and shelters for abused women and children and asks each child there for their Christmas wish. Every Christmas each Contact-Ninjas employee gets the opportunity to grant the wish of a less-fortunate child (requests are usually for toys, clothes, food, and medicine). Since Contact-Ninjas collects hundreds of such wishes, the ones our employees don’t pick are taken care of by the corporate-giving division.

Disaster Relief Program

Contact-Ninjas contributes generously to disaster relief programs through financial assistance. Contact-Ninjas set up disaster relief programs and provided aid towards the recent earthquake in Haiti and Typhoon Ondoy (Ketsana), the worst tropical depression that ever hit the Philippines.

Our employees generously contributed towards relief efforts in Haiti through American Red Cross. Supporting relief efforts in Manila, Contact-Ninjas provided food, clothes and first aid to 300 families in affected areas.


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